> Sford wiki > Sford cheat sheets > Sford dbx commands

Here is the output of the "commands" command in dbx:

dbx Commands:
 adb             Execute an `adb-style' command or enter `adb' mode
 assign          Assign a new value to a program variable
 attach          change the program being debugged
 bsearch         Search backward in the current source file
 button          Define a new button for the Custom Button window of the GUI.
 buttonx         Define a new button for the Custom Button window of the GUI.
 call            Call a procedure
 cancel          Cancel the current signal
 catch           Catch the given signal(s)
 check           Enable checking of memory access, leaks, or usage (RTC) (Solaris only)
 clear           Clear breakpoints
 collector       Collect performance data (Solaris only)
 commands        List all built-in commands with one-line descriptions
 cont            Cause the process to continue execution
 dbxdebug        Displays internal state of dbx (for dbx developers' use)
 dbxenv          List or set dbx customization variables
 debug           List or change the program being debugged
 delete          Delete breakpoints and other events
 detach          Release the target process from dbx's control
 dis             Disassemble machine instructions
 display         Evaluate and print expressions at every stopping point
 document        Add help information for a command or topic
 down            Move down the call stack (away from `main')
 dump            Print all variables local to a procedure
 edit            Invoke $EDITOR on a source file (GUI: display the source)
 examine         Show memory contents
 exception       Print the value of the current C++ exception
 exists          Check for existence of a symbol name
 file            List or change the current file
 files           List file names that match a regular expression
 fix             Recompile and relink a source file
 fixed           List names of all `fixed' files
 frame           List or change the current stack frame number
 func            List or change the current function
 funcs           List all function names that match a regular expression
 gdb             Support gdb command set
 handler         Modify event handlers (enable, disable, etc.)
 help            Provide more information about a command or topic
 hide            Hide stack frames that match a regular expression
 history         Manipulate the command history list
 ignore          Don't catch the given signal(s)
 import          Import commands from a dbx command library
 intercept       Intercept throws (C++ exceptions) of the given type (C++ only)
 language        List or change the current source language
 line            List or change the current line number
 list            Display lines of a source file
 listi           Display source and disassembled instructions
 loadobject      List and manage symbolic information from loadobjects
 lwp             List or change the current LWP
 lwps            List all LWPs in the process
 mmapfile        View contents of mmaped files missing from coredump
 module          Read debugging information for one or more modules
 modules         List module names
 next            Step one source line (stepping over calls)
 nexti           Step one machine instruction (stepping over calls)
 pathmap         Map one pathname to another for finding source files, etc.
 pop             Remove one or more frames from the callstack
 print           Print the value of an expression
 proc            Display status of the current process
 prog            Manage programs being debugged and their attributes
 quit            Exit dbx
 regs            Print current value of registers
 replay          Replay debugging commands since last `run'
 rerun           Variation on the run command.
 restore         Restore dbx to a previously saved state
 rprint          Print an expression using shell quoting rules
 run             Run the program with arguments
 runargs         Change the arguments of the target process
 save            Save commands to a file
 scopes          Print list of active scopes
 search          Search forward in the current source file
 setenv          Set an environment variable
 showblock       Show where the particular heap block was allocated from (RTC)
 showleaks       Report new memory leaks since last `showleaks' command (RTC)
 showmemuse      Show memory used since last `showmemuse' command (RTC)
 source          Execute commands from a given file
 status          List event handlers (breakpoints, etc.)
 step            Step one source line or statement (stepping into calls)
 stepi           Step one machine instruction (stepping into calls)
 stop            Set a source-level breakpoint
 stopi           Set a machine-level breakpoint
 sync            Show information about a given synchronization object
 syncs           List all synchronization objects (locks)
 thread          List or change the current thread
 threads         List all threads
 trace           Show executed source lines, function calls, or variable changes
 tracei          Show machine instructions, function calls, or variable changes
 unbutton        Remove GUI buttons
 uncheck         Disable checking of memory access, leaks, or usage (RTC)
 undisplay       Undo `display' commands
 unhide          Undo `hide' commands
 unimport        Unload commands from a dbx command library
 unintercept     Undo `intercept' commands (C++ only)
 unsuppress      Undo `suppress' commands (RTC)
 up              Move up the call stack (toward `main')
 use             List or change the directory search path
 vitem           Data Visualization interface
 whatis          Print type of expression or declaration of type
 when            Execute commands on given event
 wheni           Execute commands on given low-level event
 where           Print the call stack
 whereami        Display the current source line
 whereis         Print all uses of a given name, or symbolic name of an address
 which           Print the full qualification of a given name
 whocatches      Tell where a C++ exception would be caught
ksh Commands:
 .               Read commands from a file
 :               No-op
 [               `[ <expr> ]' is shorthand for `test <expr>'
 bg              Put a job into the background
 bind            Display or modify the emacs editing key bindings
 break           Break out of `while', `until', or `for' loop
 builtin         Use builtin version of command, ignoring functions and aliases
 cd              Change the working directory
 continue        Go to next iteration of `while', `until', or `for' loop
 dalias          Define a dbx-style (csh-style) alias
 eval            Evaluate text as a command
 exec            Execute a new program (terminate dbx)
 exit            Exit dbx
 export          Mark given environment variables to be exported
 false           Does nothing and returns non-zero
 fc              (Fix Command) Manipulate history list
 fg              Put a job into the foreground
 getopts         Parse positional parameters for options
 hash            Manipulate tracked aliases (fast command lookup)
 jobs            List all active jobs
 kalias          Define a ksh-style alias
 kill            Send a signal to a process; kill the target process
 kprint          (Korn print) Echo the arguments
 let             Evaluate ksh arithmetic expressions
 read            Read a line from a file or standard input
 readonly        Mark environment variables unchangeable
 return          Return from a ksh function
 set             Set ksh options or positional parameters
 sh              Execute a command explicitly from $PATH
 shift           Shift the positional parameters
 test            Check various file attributes, string comparison, etc.
 times           Print accumulated user and system times for dbx and children
 trap            Associate ksh commands with signals or process exit
 true            Does nothing and returns zero
 typeset         Set attributes of environment variables
 ulimit          List or change various resource limits
 umask           Restrict read/write/execute permissions for new files
 unalias         Remove alias definition
 unset           Remove definition of environment variables
 wait            Wait for background jobs to terminate
 whence          Display meaning of name (alias, function, builtin, command)
ksh Keywords:
 case            Multiway branching: case <string> in <cases> esac
 do              Command grouping: while <test> do <cmds> done
 done            Command grouping: while <test> do <cmds> done
 elif            Conditional execution: if then elif else fi
 else            Conditional execution: if then elif else fi
 esac            Multiway branching: case <string> in <cases> esac
 fi              Conditional execution: if then elif else fi
 for             Loop over a list: for <var> in <list> do <cmds> done
 function        Define a ksh function:  function <name> { <cmds> }
 if              Conditional execution: if then elif else fi
 in              for ... in ... do ... done  or  case ... in ... esac
 select          Selection loop: select <var> in <list> do <cmds> done
 then            Conditional execution: if then elif else fi
 time            Report user and system times: time <cmd>
 until           Loop until condition is true: until <test> do <cmds> done
 while           Loop while condition is true: while <test> do <cmds> done
 {               Command grouping:  { <cmd>; <cmd>; }
 }               Command grouping:  { <cmd>; <cmd>; }
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